Lactuca sativa
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Compositae
Group: Angiosperms
Common name: Lettuce
Synonymous names: Lactuca sativa
System of medicine: Siddha, Unani

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Plant - Therapeutic use associations

Indian medicinal plantPlant partTherapeutic useTherapeutic use identifiersReferences
Lactuca sativafruitAnesthesiaMESH:D000758, UMLS:C0278134Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - III
Lactuca sativafruitHypnotics and sedativesMESH:D006993, UMLS:C0020592, ICD-11:XM3GR8Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - III
Lactuca sativaleafAbdominal painMESH:D015746, UMLS:C0000737, SYMP:0000457, ICD-11:MD81.4Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Lactuca sativaleafCoughMESH:D003371, UMLS:C0010200, ICD-11:MD12Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Lactuca sativaleafDepressive disorderMESH:D003866, UMLS:C0011581, ICD-11:6A7ZStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Lactuca sativaleafDiureticsMESH:D004232, UMLS:C0012798, ICD-11:XM4D06Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Lactuca sativaleafGonorrheaMESH:D006069, UMLS:C0018081, DOID:7551, ICD-11:1A7ZStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Lactuca sativaleafHematologic diseasesMESH:D006402, UMLS:C0018939, DOID:74, ICD-11:3C0ZStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Lactuca sativaleafHypnotics and sedativesMESH:D006993, UMLS:C0020592, ICD-11:XM3GR8Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Lactuca sativaleafJaundiceMESH:D007565, UMLS:C0022346, ICD-11:ME10.1Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Lactuca sativaleafSkin diseasesMESH:D012871, UMLS:C0037274, DOID:37, ICD-11:EM0ZStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Lactuca sativaseedHair lossMESH:D000505, UMLS:C0002170, DOID:987, ICD-11:ED70Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - III
Lactuca sativaseedDiureticsMESH:D004232, UMLS:C0012798, ICD-11:XM4D06ISBN:9770972795006
Lactuca sativaseedFeverMESH:D005334, UMLS:C0015967, ICD-11:MG26Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - III
Lactuca sativaseedHeadacheMESH:D006261, UMLS:C0018681, ICD-11:8A81.ZStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - III
Lactuca sativaseedSleep initiation and maintenance disordersMESH:D007319, UMLS:C0021603Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - III
Lactuca sativawhole plantCardiovascular systemMESH:D002319, UMLS:C0007226, ICD-11:XA4PM9ISBN:9770972795006
Lactuca sativaAntioxidantsMESH:D000975, UMLS:C0003402ISBN:9770972795006
Lactuca sativaUlcerMESH:D014456, UMLS:C0041582ISBN:9780387706375